Amazon DTW 10 Indoor Mural Application: Affinity Group Theme
Use the form below to submit your proposal for the Amazon DTW 10 Indoor Mural Application: Affinity Group Theme mural. The opportunity is inside Amazon Detroit's corporate office and theme is based on the incorporation of their 13 affinity groups.
Mural does not have to meet the ceiling height or wrap around doors unless preferred. Medium is not limited to paint, may be vinyl, aluminum, a mix, ect.
You can read more about the affinity groups here:
Logos can be emailed to you upon request.
Upon acceptance you must:
• Provide scaffolding or ladder if needed along with your supplies and paint
• Provide Certificate of Insurance
• Provide 1099 form
Your quote must include all supplies, paint, your time, ect. A commission of 20% paid to the art curator (Amanda Koss) will be deducted from final payment price. Please make sure your pricing reflects this.
Must upload preliminary rendering/painting of your idea/mural design.